ICLC travel trains

@yaxu which trains did you book dub-limerick? It doesn’t show any info on your tripit link.

These ones, semi flexible so can catch earlier /later ones

Thanks. Booked the same ones.

Well, that took a while, and far too many browser tabs, but this is how it now looks for me:

  • 4th, 09:10 Euston -> 12:52 Holyhead

  • 14:10 Holyhead -> 17:25 Dublin Ferrypoint

  • 19:00 Dublin Heuston -> 21:07 Limerick Colbert

  • 8th, 09:50 Limerick Colbert -> 11:57 Dublin Heuston

  • 9th, 08:05 Dublin Ferrypoint -> 11:30 Holyhead

  • 12:50 Holyhead -> 16:40 Euston

This seems broadly in line with what other folks are doing. Provisional booking of Kilmurry Lodge Hotel in Limerick 4th-8th, Green Isle Hotel Dublin 8th-9th. The latter is quite a way our of town, and to the west, the opposite side to the Irish Sea.

I suppose I’d better actually register for the conference.

@cassiel yep not sure why I booked that hotel in Dublin, will cancel it…

@EvanR has a line on an Airbnb apartment in Dublin which looks good…

I got this one in the end https://www.booking.com/hotel/ie/10-minutes-from-the-airport-10-minutes-to-the-city-dublin.en-gb.html?label=gen173nr-1FCAEoggI46AdIM1gEaFCIAQGYAQm4ARnIAQ_YAQHoAQH4AQuIAgGoAgO4ApGcovEFwAIB;sid=09513f76d74a6c84cd714acf135778eb;all_sr_blocks=573058904_220560668_0_0_0;bhgwe_cep=1;checkin=2020-02-08;checkout=2020-02-09;dest_id=-1502554;dest_type=city;dist=0;group_adults=1;group_children=0;hapos=1;highlighted_blocks=573058904_220560668_0_0_0;hpos=1;no_rooms=1;req_adults=1;req_children=0;room1=A;sb_price_type=total;sr_order=popularity;sr_pri_blocks=573058904_220560668_0_0_0__4145;srepoch=1579716130;srpvid=1a1c7ed036e80074;type=total;ucfs=1&

“Minimum length of stay 2 nights”… Oh, and sold out. Will look for something else…

You still seem to be some way out of town…! I found a guest house in Drumcondra, which should do the job.

Vaguely related to travel: is anyone bringing their own posters, or relying on the £40 local print service?

Possible congestion on Saturday: https://www.irishrail.ie/offer/six-nations-championship

Yeah, I got an email sent to my by Irish Rail suggesting… well I’m not sure what, exactly, hinting I should rebook my travel? I dunno: I have a seat booked, and I’m stopping over in Dublin so a delay wouldn’t really matter. I couldn’t get through on the phone: mabye I’ll find time to pop into the station and see if I can get some more useful advice.

Let us know if you find out anything. I suppose I could stay in Limerick a few hours longer. " * Please note online amendments cannot be made once your ticket(s) have been printed." it says here, two days after I printed my return ticket.

To my reading it just means that if you are booked onto a different train, but with a flexible ticket and want to take a different train, it’s a good idea to rebook a seat if you need/want to sit down. If you want to travel on the train you’re booked onto, there’s nothing to do.