About the FoxDot category

Discussion of the Python-based live coding environment, FoxDot. Come here to ask questions and share your own work.

Don’t hesitate to start a new topic and ask a question but please check if it has already been answered first. For a more informal discussion about FoxDot related things, check out https://talk.lurk.org/channel/foxdot.

Dear Mr.Ryan,
Nice to meet you.
My name is billie.
Twitter’s account is @billiesbounce.
I am a fan of “FoxDot” and work as a web designer in Japan.
I made a logo of “FoxDot” as a hobby.
I have a motif of moths and dots.
If you can use it on the official site, I am more than happy.
The copyright is also transferred to you.
I’m sorry I’m not good at English.

Hi billie, I really like the design, thanks for sharing! FoxDot could use a more distinctive visual identity so I will have a think about using it. I’m away on holiday at the moment so can’t do too much editing of the website but will let you know if I use it. Thanks for playing with FoxDot!

Thank you for your reply, ryan.
And I’m very glad that you think about if using the logo.
I will keep playing Foxdot and continue to spread the fun of playing Foxdot in Japan.
Enjoy your holiday!

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