AlgoMech festival

I’m putting together the Festival of Algorithmic and Mechanical Movement, 16-19th May 2019 in central Sheffield UK.
A festival celebrating artists who expose the algorithmic and/or mechanical innards of their work.

It’ll (of course) a full-on algorave like the old days on Saturday 18th May, featuring Simon Blackmore, Graham Dunning, Deerful, Algobabez, Hellocatfood, Udagan, Royal Laptop Squad, Nebogeo, CCAIFOOD, Leafcutter John, Heavy Lifting, Innocent, Luuma, EverySongIOwn, mnistrel, Alexandra Cardenas, Codie, Linux Lewis, Miri Kat and sp4ghet…

Plus a lot more talks, workshops, installations and concerts… Full announcement soon!


The new website is launched now + tickets available ! Adding more events + performances still…

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aaand now workshop tickets are up, including workshops on orca, tidalcycles, and Musical AI.