I created a new version, based on the same rhythmic pattern, but adding some notes which create intricate counterpoints. I also added a bass line. I used FoxDot to drive via midi some iPad instruments (two oboes and one cello). The result is reminiscent of Phillip Glass.
This is the new YouTube video
The script I used is:
def clapping():
pattern = P[1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0]
d1 >> MidiOut([0,2,4,5,4], dur=1/12, amp=pattern*PWhite(0.5,.7),
pan=-.5, delay=PWhite(0, 0.01), channel=0)
d2 >> MidiOut([7,6,5,2,1], dur=1/12, amp=pattern*PWhite(0.5,.7),
pan=+.5, delay=PWhite(0, 0.01), channel=1)
d3 >> MidiOut([0, -2, [-3, -4]], oct=4, dur=[4, [4,3]], channel=2)
i = 0
def rotate():
nonlocal i
d2.amp = pattern2 = pattern.rotate(i)
print("{}\n{}".format(pattern, pattern2))
i += 1
Clock.every(8, rotate)
Clock.future(8*13-.1, Clock.clear)
Clock.bpm = 32
Scale.default = "aeolian"