@ryan: I did a few interesting experiments by following your suggestions, and thought it would be helpful for sharing to anyone who would like to explore/use his/her own audio sample to play around on FoxDot. If you want to hear your original sound, there are a few trick points that require attention:
- Set up the duration: after trying a few times, dur=32 seems perfect to hear the original sound. The audio file I embedded in the folder is about 8-bars length. After experimenting different lengths of duration, 32 seems the best match for this 8-bars length of piece. (e.g., if I put 8,16, 24 as the length of duration setting, you always hear something wrong.)
- Sample=1 (Sample =3 seems not working for this case after trying your code, if I put Sample=3, and what I heard is the default percussive sound in this folder under"T". )
Now the only minor issue is the latency, from the time I execute the code to what I can hear is about 6-8 seconds and sometimes I need to press twice.
I attached my code here.
Feel interested to further this topic and gain more related knowledge(I will read the article you recommend very soon.)
Many thanks!
Best regards,