Hi All!
@j.reus, thanks for posting that screenshot, will definitely be helpful for others.
I agree with Felipe on the fact that we should keep trying to meet in different places (we are Netherlands Coding Live after all, not Amsterdam or The Hague Coding Live exclusively, haha). I also think this can lower the barrier for people who might be interested in joining a meetup for the first time, but would not travel for it (sidenote: I’ve also been into contact with people from Eindhoven, Baltan Laboratories, who might be interested in hosting a meetup/livecoding-event in the future as well!). It is however good to know if we are welcome to host more meet-ups in the future, so it would be relative easier to change meetup locations. Of course there might come a time where we would host multiple meetups in different cities per month if the group gets larger and scattered across the Netherlands.
If you have any cool ideas for the contents of the meet-up, Rafaele, feel free to make any suggestions (also applies to everyone else in the community of course!). I think the first 30-45 minutes for introduction to various livecoding environments/topics is a great way to start the meetup and interesting for newcomers. And as @narcode mentioned: We keep struggling with the gender-balance at the meetups.
Quoting Rafaele from the mailinglist:
I talked with the head of the department this week, he is very interested to help us to have a place to meet.
On the next meeting, 3th July , it is possible to meet at the conservatory on the Hague at the Vareze zaal from 18:30 . It is possible to reserve from 18:30 to 22h. I was required to send an official email just confirming our interest to have regular meetings there. But I actually don’t know for sure if you intend to have a official spot or you just prefer to be often in all the main cities of the Netherlands. Does someone could tell me about it?
What is going to be theme for the next meeting? And by the way, does someone is going to the Sheffield’s summer camp in August?
Quoting @narcode from the mailinglist:
Great that the next meetup can be hosted by you, also Jonathan offered the iii space!
As far as I can see it, we try to meet in different places so to compensate for the fact that not everyone lives in the same city. The moving meetup makes it easier for people near the location to attend and not have to travel all the time a longer distance.
Another advantage of having a moving meetup is that the energy gets refreshed in every new location, and the organisation toll is also shared and not falling upon one person only.
Having said this, if the community is growing it isn’t a crazy idea if you want to start regular meetups in The Hague, independent from the ones happening in Amsterdam. If the future means more meetup beacons per location, it would be great if we still have special meetups were we all come together 
About the theme, it is really open. If you will be hosting the meetup you can also decide for yourself how you would like to structure it. We have had meetups were we don’t plan at all, and others were we exchange ideas and wishes on a shared cloud notepad. However, for the last meetups we have seen an increase in new faces, and many times it is a first encounter with live coding, so we have tried to reserve the first 30min to introductory sessions about a specific subject. All this trying to bridge the beginners with the more experienced attendees.
If there is a visiting live coding artists in the country we then try to invite them to talk about their work. The same if community members had just presented something or want to present something.
Another thing we have been struggling with lately is the gender equality between the attendees. We strive for all genders to be represented equally in the meetups, trying to avoid a male dominated community.
Take into account that there are other community members in Den Haag that you could contact to structure a meetup and confirm a location. Jonathan Reus and Bjarni Gunnarsson, from the top of my head.