Hey all,
I’m almost finished with my uni project for the year My automated music generator works great using the FoxDot library. It’s been a dream to work on.
However, I’m looking to communicate from my Python IDE (Spyder) to SC for the purposes of recording and saving a .wav file (which I can do directly in SC). I’ve been reading a lot about OSC but the site with their modules no longer exists. I don’t even know if it’s possible this way. So I found some online git repo GitHub - scztt/qpm at qpm-unit but this only works from the command line.
Is there a simpler way or is it possible to write my record function in my IDE, which is very simply:
s.recorder.recHeaderFormat = "WAV";
s.record(path:"~/control001.wav".standardizePath, duration: 10);
atm in SC?
Apologies if this is an obvious question and I’m missing something.