Tracker / Live-coding hybrid?

Hey everyone,
aside from Siren and, to an extent Orca, I was wondering if anyone had (tried to) create a hybrid solution between a tracker and a live-coding system ?

If I knew how to code it (or had the time to learn how to), I’ll aim for something with the visual display of a tracker, that I could edit both the traditional tracker way (navigating through its columns with the computer KB, editing musical event ) and with text-commands.

Or I’d experiment with displaying live-coded sequences in a minimalist, tracker fashion, with the additional feature to edit / alter / modify / augment my algos with more traditional sequences, within one tool.

As if I could put Renoise and Tidal Cycles in a blender, and use the result to write music with. That’d be lovely ^^

Am I too vague ? How unrealistic is it ? I have no clue !!!

Still, I thought it was worth asking. Might even inspire a talented coder :wink:


ps: I must add I absolutely love the look of Marabu tracker, even though not exactly what I’m looking for


This is something I’ve searched for a long time. So far, Chris Nash’s Manhattan tracker is the closest thing to a live-coding tracker that I was able to find:

ORCA is also great for tracker-like interfaces, I wonder how far it can be pushed in this direction.


Following!! Really interested in this topic. On the verge of starting it as soon as I have more “free time” … what are you thinking about!! Would love to chat sometime :slight_smile: