Turning off delay effect

I find that when I evaluate a statement with delay (ie. d1), it’s near impossible to turn off.

let e = every
     shiftBy x = (x ~>)
in do
  all $ (# delay "0").(# delayfb "0").(# delaytime "0")
  d1 $ e 6 (ply 1) $ slow 2 $ slice 32 "[0..16] ~!7 [0..4]*<0> " $ "bass2:5" # room 0.4 # size 0.6 # speed 0.75 # gain 1.7  # orbit 0 # sus 0.03 # delayfb "0"# delay "0" # delaytime "0"
  d1 $ stack [shiftBy "-0.04" $ slow 96 $ slice 1800 "[0..1799]" $ "[longdoom]" # cut 0 # cps (100/120) # speed 1 # gain 1.5] # lpf 5000 # delayfb "0" # delaytime "0" # delay "0"
  d3  $ e 4 ((|+| up 1).(linger "<0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 [0.0625 0.15]>")) $ sometimesBy 0.01 (stutWith 3 (1/24) (|+ speed 0.1)) $ (linger (1/1) . (|+| up "0"))
    $ slow 2 $ chop 8  $ superimpose ((linger 0.5).(shiftBy 0.25).(# speed 0.5).(# cut 0).(# sus 0.05).(striate 8).(# gain 0.9).(# lpf 800).(# hpf 150))
      $ slow 2 $ shift $ chop 4 $ "xxx" # cut "-1" # up "-0.4" # lpf 3000 # gain 1 |+| up "[-6]/2" # shape 0.7 # lpf 1500 # comb 0.4 # gain 1.15 # delayfb "0" # delay "0" # delaytime "0"
  d5 $ slow 2 $ "909 [clap*1 ~!2 909*1]" # gain 3 # speed 0.75 # begin 0.001 # sus "0.9 0.1"# room 0.01 # delayfb "0" # delaytime "0" # delay "0"

Despite setting every delay-related parameter to 0, and even using all, I still can’t manage to stop the delay.

Hmm… thats odd. Are there any other patterns running on the same orbit? I know I’ve had similar issues when there is a pattern that shares an orbit with the pattern I’m using. Patterns can “fight” over the delay setting if they are on the same orbit.