I enjoy live coding from a blank page. I do not currently use prepared text that I evaluate during a performance, but I do have a premade library of functions and instruments I use when doing rhythmic music that I consider a part of the system rather than the music being live coded. I do use a couple of keyboard shortcuts that insert snippets of code I will then modify to speed up the coding, but the code entered doesn’t have any pre-determined musical meaning (i.e., it’s akin to “insert a pattern generator” rather than “insert a walking bassline” or “insert glitch drum beat”).
It is personally satisfying from the creative perspective to start with the blank page and just go and see what happens. A lot of what I practice does come up during performance but making the musical decisions during runtime, even if they’re ones I’ve made before, is a part of the joy of the practice for me. (Though, I don’t know if it’s always great from the listener perspective when a coding or musical mistake takes a while to sort out and the audience has to listen to things go on a while!)
One thing that has been coming up often in recent practice sessions has been developing an initial sound generation instrument from scratch but then copying/pasting/modifying it to build up textures of sonic processes. It’s a new development for me and I do not know if it is easy to follow for either programmers or non-programmers as there’s suddenly a lot of text being shown on the screen. It’s not quite everything typed from scratch but I suppose it still shows the musical decisions being made on screen.
That said, while my own practice thus far has been starting from scratch, I don’t have issues with using pre-written code as a basis for performance and I have been considering exploring it for my own work. I have seen performances where everything is pre-conceived and coded, where the performer really is just evaluating the code like an instrumentalist performs a composed score. That kind of approach doesn’t quite appeal to me for my own work, but I don’t have issues with it if the performance ends up in a satisfying result. (Perhaps the potential for variances in interpretation aren’t the same as with instrumental composition/performance though.) In my recent practice sessions, starting from scratch each time, I found there’s a lot of common code that I end up retyping at the start of sessions that is just plumbing work and not musically interesting either as a creator or listener. This code also isn’t something that can be abstracted away into library functions or system code. It’s scenarios like these where I think a starting template of code that I modify at runtime might lead to a better experience for me both as a performer and as a listener.