Experiment/Survey: Prototype (Proof-of-concept) JS live coding UI to try out

Please help improve live coding collaboration on the web by helping with this experiment, to inform my research on the collaborative live coding editor prototype I am developing for my Ph.D.

I would really appreciate it and trust it would be worth your while for you to visit the editor here
to perform the experiment (with a live coding partner or group),

attempting the following:

A. Make a basic rhythm with some code on the editor and consider the following process:

  1. Plan and coordinate the exercise with group member(s) i.e. rhythm structure, instruments, sequence, etc.
  2. Split tasks accordingly in order to edit separate portions on the text editor, concurrently.
  3. Play rhythm

A possible example code could be:

// drums-------------------------------------


if ([0,4,8,12].indexOf(idx) >= 0)


if ([2,6,10,14].indexOf(idx) >= 0)


// synth --------------------------------------

var chords = [

[‘C3’, ‘E3’, ‘G3’], //I

[‘G3’, ‘B3’, ‘D3’], //V

[‘A3’, ‘C3’, ‘E3’], //VI

[‘F3’, ‘A3’, ‘C3’] // IV


var chordIndex = -1;

if (idx == 0) chordIndex = 0;

if (idx == 4) chordIndex = 1;

if (idx == 8) chordIndex = 2;

if (idx == 12) chordIndex = 3;

if (chordIndex >= 0)






Following this exercise, using the UI, ** please answer the following questions regarding your experience of the collaborative performance at**
[Collaborative Live Coding Experiment]

The questionnaire is active starting from the 21st of December 2021 to February 13th, 2022.

Many thanks for your help and support with this, I appreciate your time.

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Hi! Congratulations on your prototype.

I tried to run the code example you shared, but I couldn’t figure out how to run the code / make sound. Any tips?

Thanks, Jack. Unfortunately, I’ve run into some technical issues with the survey at the moment. Let me get back to you on it. Thank you again for your interest.

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