Line - A tiny command-line MIDI step sequencer for live coding

Hi, this a 2,5 years old tiny command-line MIDI sequencer for live coding. Some fresh improvements. 202K KB :grinning:.



the link just goes to a twitter page

Oops! I think one has to be logged in.
But I’ve a github repo also:

And there ( you can find macos binaries, not of the latest upgrade, also instructions to build your own exec, plus a tiny tutorial because “line” is tiny.

line live coding video.

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New upgrade to line v0.1: Turn it into a MIDI Controller.
You can switch “line” between MIDI notes mode and MIDI CC mode.

Frenetic, with exception!

line upgrade: Have worked on line’s parser last October to increase expression potential through amplitude; so from then on, it is possible to set amp for each individual MIDI/note/chord value(s). Just type a ‘~’ after it. Like, 10~.7.

Better watching and listening, I guess :slight_smile:



line upgrade: set amp for each individual MIDI/note/chord value(s)


A recent live coding performance using line:


Running line is easier now:

  • If you are on Mac/Intel machine there’s a zip file in line’s repo; just unzip, go to the build folder and type: ./line[Enter] …valid for both versions, line simple and ableton link’s compatible.

  • If need to build your own line’s, you still need cmake but less pre-installed stuff.

All files and How To’s in line’s repo. Ch… ch… check it out!

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Just built a line ablt_link for Linux (Ubuntu) on a remote machine. I’m on a mac and no linux vm, so no way to ran it.

The link to the build: line_v0.5.26_linux ; and then scroll down to Artifacts section.

If you want to give it try and report back to me (here or as a github issue) for problems or if it is running smoothly, would be awesome.

line 0.5.36 updates: [ubuntu version]
( – macOS version

line 0.5.35 updates : [ubuntu version]
( – macOS version

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line 0.6 is out!
Recording a live coded track.

Playing with FM beats.

Easy-to-download-and-run line v0.6.2 page: line’s mac/intel and linux builds zip files →

New feature: < character to combine multiple commands in one line command

line 0.7 is out.

What’s new: temporal phrase transforming by concatenating character _ after commands


  • s_ will scramble the phrase each new cycle, indefinitely
  • s_3 will scramble the phrase the next 3 cycles

‘line’ Manual #1

It’s VERY EASY to get ‘line’ running and start live coding music/sound with it. Watch below short “how-to” movie and make some noise! :slight_smile:

‘line’ Manual #2

Playing a sequence of MIDI values/notes in ‘line’. Note duration. Easy n fast recover previously typed ideas so you don’t have to type them again.

‘line’ Manual #3

Richer phrasing. Subdivisions of MIDI values’/notes’ durations. Play silences.

‘line’ Manual #4 - Richer phrasing 2. Play-together MIDI values, all simultaneously; along with single MIDI values sequencing. For musical notes, ‘line’ offers a easier way than MIDI numeric values. Make some NOISE ! :computer: :loud_sound: