Live Coding Meetups NL_CL

I can probably make it
on the 23rd. In either case it seems to be a better choice than
the 18th at SeeLab!

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Okay, havenā€™t heard from @craig and @driangle yet, but I think it would be better to move it to the 23rd. What options do we have for a location?

It turns out Iā€™m doing live coding at an event on Wednesday the 18th so I canā€™t make it to the meetup anyways. I go out of town the 22nd. So feel free to have the meetup without me this month if we canā€™t make it happen before that. I will join again in January.

The event Wednesday is the ArtScience Festival @ KABK in The Hague for anyone who is interested. Live coding @ 18:30.

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Jonathan, could you tell if there is a possibility to host the meet up on 23th at the Seelab ? The conservatory will be closed from Saturday on.

Hey all, I have a
pretty intense work-day on the 23rd, but could still host at
SeeLab if we meet in the evening (say after 6pm?)

    But I'm just wondering,

how many of us would actually be able to make it? It seems like
nobody will even be around to attend - is it just me and
Rafaele? If thatā€™s the case we could just meet up for coffee
during the week, you know? ;p

I think at the moment it will be you, @RafaeleAndrade, @eerieear and me that can make it on monday 23rd. @craig hasnā€™t responded in a while, so not sure if he is available. I thought it would be nice to meetup and have a drink before the end of the year, code a bit, share some plans/ideas for the next year. But if it is to much for you to combine with work, maybe it is better to start looking for a meetup date in January. But it would be a shame if we would break our monthly meetup streak.

Ok - We could do 19:30
on the 23rd at SeeLab. As long as people are actually coming :wink:


I will be there guys. See you on Monday !

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Hi all, I hope the dec meetup will work. This date choosing is exactly what we can avoid if we always decide on the date at the end of each meetup.

Btw, if time allows and you guys are having a drink maybe I join via Skype or the like to celebrate too! At least see you all and thank you all for such a great NL_CL year full of growth and awesome projects and a lot of succes stories!

Hugs from Mexico!

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Hey Felipe, looks like
the meeting will indeed happen here in the Hague at 19:30. We
can skype you in no problem :slight_smile:

    I'd also like to talk a

bit about everyoneā€™s plans for ICLC!

Would be cool if you could join in over skype @narcode! And yes, I agree with you on the date choosing, so lets decide the january meetup date tonight as well.

Yes, me too!

Thank you as well! This past year was amazing. See you all tonight :slight_smile:

Tonight we looked back on an awesome year of live coding, with many great performances, meeting incredible coders and seeing the community grow. Thank you all for this great year and for all the cool events we did together! I would like to see you all again in January for our first meetup of the year:

Date: 27 January, Monday
Time: 19h30 - 22h00
Location: T.B.A.

I think it would be nice to use this meetup as a try-out for those that will perform during the ICLC. Let me know if you can or can not make this date!

Enjoy the holidays! :slight_smile:

Hey all, Bas here. Just wanted to say thanks for being so welcoming yesterday. It was very cool to meet you all! Hope to see you guys at more events and meetups in the future :smile:


Just a quick note on something that came up briefly on the last meetup, for those Mac users who would like to show/hide cursor:

                  • update:

Varia. is hosting the coming meet up! Here is our address: Gouwstraat 3, 3082 BA Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Date: 27 January, Monday
Time: 19h30 - 22h00
Location: Varia

Also important to know that now the Maastunnel for bikes is closed, so alternatively people will have to take a waterboat (St. Janshaven <> Jobshaven) or bus 44 from the Central station.

Hope to see you all soon!!!


Great news ! I will be there !

something to look at when we meet: !

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Yes, I was thinking the same thing!

Hi allā€“

Timo writes: ā€œ@craig hasnā€™t responded in a while, so not sure if he is available.ā€

Aw, Iā€™m sorry to have missed the December meetup, it sounded like good one. Iā€™m not always able to stay current on the messages here, and as far as I can tell this message system has no way of notifying people of at-mentions (like ā€œ@craigā€) that will make it to a mobile device.

If youā€™re wondering in a message here whether someone is available, maybe also say something in the WhatsApp group we created? (We set it up at ICLC 2019, and have used it for instant messaging with a few meetups since then.) Also, if youā€™d like to join that group, please let me know.

Thanks, and looking forward to 27 January!

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Please sign me up for
the whatsapp group :slight_smile: