Distributed Culture A community for discussing distributed culture, beginning with the AlgoMech Panel on the topic taking place online on the 29th February 2020. Sheffield A community forum for live coders in and around or interested in Sheffield UK and its algorithmic goings-on, including the local Tidal club. Hybrid Live Coding Interfaces Hybrid Live Coding Interfaces: performance and craft is a workshop aiming to bring together current thinking on how live coding techniques can be combined with other algorithmic practices, and augmented and hybridised with gestural and physical interfaces. For full background, see the website. To participate see the following threads for each of four sessions, which include links to the video streams: FrenchLivecoders Welcome to this category for people who speak french and people living, studying, working in France/french-speaking countries. Gibber Discussion of Gibber and related tools for live coding, education, and general tomfoolery. clic Discusión en torno a CLiC - Colectivo de Live Coders. Hydra Discussion of hydra (, including: usage and development, performances, future ideas, community, networking, video synthesis, etc. etc. TidalCycles Discussion around the TidalCycles language for live coding pattern. Sema A community forum for the Sema live coding language design playground, for the discussion of development, workshops, and performances. ItalianLiveCoders This is a category for any people who speak Italian or who works/lives/study in Italy. You can also write in English or any other language and we’ll try to answer you as soon as possible Livecode-nl nl_cl Foxdot Discussion of the Python-based live coding environment, FoxDot. Come here to ask questions and share your own work. SuperCollider Discussion of SuperCollider including both sclang and the server.